Sunday, December 29, 2013

Sharing is a problem

 Aidan does not want to share anything with Emma. At all. Ever. It's causing some problems. Emma is pretty bossy and will yell at Aidan, he'll get upset and push her, she'll cry, he'll cry, Patrick or I will cry... It's a vicious circle.

The pictures below are not their standard operating procedure. Aidan was playing an iPad game and of course Emma wanted to play too.  Aidan moved to the corner of the couch and she followed.  Aidan curled up in a ball too block her view and Emma worked around that.  Nobody cried.

Love this expression

I didn't notice her expression until I moved the pics onto the computer.  I love it.
(Emma hasn't mastered the fork, she pretty much just likes banging it on the high chair tray.)  

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Finaly, a Christmas I can enjoy

Emma had a great time today, except when Aidan was trying to steal her toys. We picked up a scanimation book that blew her mind, she picked up some cute new clothes, and generally had a great time.

Chewing on her My Little Pony

Emma needed a nap after the morning's excitement.  When she woke up I was able to put her in this great outfit that Yvonne got for her LAST year.  She'd picked up a Christmas outfit that was too big but when we went to exchange it they only had larger sizes left.  I picked up the 18 month size and have been sitting on it since.  Patrick and I picked out cute black sequined shoes that ended up not fitting.  :luckily the nanny had gotten Emma Hello Kitty shoes for Christmas.  They worked perfectly and Emma really liked the added sparkle.

We had to move the table and chairs out of Aidan's room and they were still sitting in the hall. Emma pulled out a few books the other day and now this has become her favorite spot.  Really, I think it's just an excuse for her to motor up the stairs.  But she enjoys sitting at the table and looking at books.

I'm not sure why she's making this face, but it's funny