Friday, July 10, 2015


Erin and Emma happened to be wearing very similar outfits today.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Em got ahold of Patrick's phone while waiting for lunch. She loves making monster faces and growling.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

First Haircut!

Emma has lovely hair, but it is so fine and soft that we can't keep clips in it. It was getting stuck under arms, wrapping around her neck, and constantly falling in her face. With the weather getting hotter her hair would become more of an issue. We took her to Cheeky Monkey to get her hair cut at their children's salon. The lady really didn't want to cut Emma's hair, because it was so nice, but I finally convinced her that we did really want to cut it. Emma was great for about 5 minutes and then she wanted to start moving around. It was a race to finish up the haircut, but she has a really cute bob now.

Believe it or not, she has a pony tail, it
just keeps slipping
Much better 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Visa pictures

We needed visa pictures for Emma's Chinese residency application. The picture required that her ears and eyes be visible, which meant her hair needed to be pulled back, which meant Menaca had to do it because I'm terrible. Menaca put Emma in a dress and did her hair about a few minutes before we got home. This means we've got about 15 to 20 minutes before Emma starts to pull her hair down. I came in, plopped her into the stroller, and we took off for the mall. I made a beeline for the studio we normally get visa pictures at. It was at the opposite end of the mall from where we came in, but service was always fast there. We got there in time, Emma is in a good mood, and our hair is still perfect. The store is closed for remodeling. There is one other photography studio in the mall, all the way back were we came in, and tends to be a bit slower. No choice, so we take off. We get there and hair is still good, but there's a line. Argh! They are processing people as quickly as possible but Emma wants out of the stroller and has started pulling on her hair. Finally it's our turn and we go to the back. They have props and things all over and Emma really wants to explore, but no, she must sit still and look straight ahead. That didn't go so well, but the lady was able to get a good shot. Notice that one pigtail is thicker than the other? That's because they had to photoshop me out of the picture since I had to hold Emma to my side so she'd stay in one place. I guess they couldn't get all of me out so they just colored it in.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Accessorizing like a boss

My friend jill got this giant gold bag as a free gift when she bought new makeup. She was laughing when she gave it to me saying that surely the shiny gold bag was more my style. I had to agree but wasn't really sure what to do with it. Emma solved that problem immediately. She carry's her dolls and water bottle to school every day in it.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

6:35 a.m.

Not happy to be up and dressed but will still smile for the camera.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

60 Seconds of Emma

She was climbing the walls so I took her to the mall to play at Magic Planet. This was our first minute in the mall.

We go from Happy, Judgemental, to Snore in no time at all.